Stay Safe Hiking Table Mountain

On July 22, 2020 by Christopher Smith

Stay Safe Hiking Table Mountain

Table Mountain

Table Mountain hiking is back on many locals schedule and with South Africa standing on Level 3 restrictions Things are slowly moving in a positive direction.

kasteels Poort

The Many trails around Table Mountain is becoming more active with many folk browsing the magical Fynbos of the Cape Peninsula. thi being said it always important to make sure you let people know where you are going hiking.

Pin cushion Protea

Cape Peninsula

Few weeks ago the body of another active trail runner was found on Table Mountain.

Exploring Table Mountain by yourself is a huge risk and you are playing with your life, it is known that even in a group something can go wrong although it is proven if one / the group follow the rules and regulations when out and treating Nature with the respect it deserves then one can have a marvellous exprience as is the case more so with a registered Adventure Table Mountain Tourist Guide that makes hiking safer, informative and most memorable on Table Mountain.

Pipe Track

Always make sure you are prepared when going hiking, take a rain coat, have a first aid kit, ensure you have 2 litres of water, wear comfortable boots or non-slip trainers, a light day pack, snacks and  a mobile phone with emergency numbers on speed dail, these are just a few essentials to ensure you take along and follow when you plan on going hiking. Your face mask and Sinitizer should be at the top of your list as it is compulsory when you are going to explore the great outdoors.

Table Mountain

There are loads of fun to have and many Fynbos Species to experience on Table Mountain and the Cape Floral Kingdom. Preserve and Protect our Heritage it is there for everyone to enjoy and explore. Stay Safe hiking Table Mountain and keep #Sanitzed!!!!

NEVER EVER go hiking alone.

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