Western Cape Hiking Trails

Western Cape Hiking Trails are located in one of South Africa’s most beautiful natural kingdoms boasting lush indigenous forests and majestic mountain ranges.

Sun Set near Greaton McGregor trail

Sun Set near Greaton McGregor trail

The Cape Floristic Region is located near the southern tip of South Africa and stretches along the Cape coast from Vanrhynsdorp in the west to Eastwards to Port Elizabeth. this is also the only Floral kingdom that is completly contained with in the boundaries of a country. Fynbos makes up one of the biomes collection that makes up the Cape Floral Kingdom.

Table Mountain flora - White Everlastings

Table Mountain flora – White Everlastings

Table Mountain flora - Purple vygie suculant

Table Mountain flora – Erica Fire Heath

Table Mountain flora - Erica Fire heath

Table Mountain flora – Purple Vygie Succulent

The Cape Floral kingdom is the smallest of the six recognised floral kingdoms in the world and is an area of extraordinary high diversity and endemism, and is home to more than 9 000 vascular plant species, of which 69 percent are endemic.

Table Mountain flora - Black Girdled Lizard

Table Mountain flora – Black Girdled Lizard

23 Hoerikwaggo Trail Lizard1

Table Mountain flora – Southern Rock Agama

25 Hoerikwaggo Trail Lizard3

Table Mountain fauna – Matured Black Girdled Lizard

You can have a closer look on trecks and hikes in Western Cape and Table Mountain in particular from this menu.

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