Table Mountain Classic Trail

On August 13, 2014 by Christopher Smith
Echo Valley

Echo Valley

Weather seemed a bit unstable but that did not keep us from heading up Table Mountain. We are to spend a night on top of Table mountain. This time of the year you would think there is not much to see but until you actually get up close and personal. Table Mountain gives birth to not only annual plants but also seasonal and this gives great variety and pleasure right through the year.

Hairy worm

Getting ready for transformation

Hiking Table Mountain

Guest engaging Table Mountain

Brachysiphon Fucatas

Beautiful Fynbos Brachysiphon Fucatas

Kitchen Ravine

Coming down to the Dams


Menthol Daisy

Marsh Daisy Aromatic

My Guests enjoyed everything from info, right down to the smallest insect encountered on trail.

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