Table Mountain day trail
Group of Exchange students that I guided on Table Mountain.The weather was great, excellent view points and a fairly challenging climb to the top of Table Mountain. The group was nervous not knowing what they were in for but I soon explained that once we start it gets easier and turns out to be a lot of fun.
Them hanging on these words was what got them started.not everyone was fast and fit hikers but some rather took their time enjoying nature while building up a steam to get to the top. Spirits were high throughout the hike. There was lots of questions and well, lots of answers too.
they all made it safely to the top, some with smiles and some with bated breath but the main objective for them was achieved. I took them onto the back table where they could see two oceans mix and what the rest of the peninsula looked like all the way down to Cape Point.
I was told by one of the foreign students that she could not have thunk it would be so an amazing morning and that she now see’s what and why i am so in-love with what i do. She wished me well and said”this is truly freedom”