The Gray’s exploring Table Mountain

On February 25, 2025 by Christopher Smith

The Gray’s exploring Table Mountain was a great experience filled with fun and spectacular views.

Ms Gray was interested in doing a Full day Table Mountain hike, exploring the beautiful Cape Floral kingdoms Fauna & Flora. Working out in the winelands coming from England to enjoy the splendours of Nature and the Cultural diversity.

Mrs Gray was more interested in the flowers and with limited time, I had to tailor the trail to her request.

I made sure to explain the basic of the different type of species and families of Fynbos. The nessescity of fire for regeneration and how the Fynbos survives the Cape Town City’s dry hard summers.

The views of the Peninsula is nothing short of breathtaking.

There weren’t many people on the back table because it was a week day and this makes it great, feeling secluded and away from the busy hustle and bustle of the city. Mrs Gray really enjoyed smelling the different types of Buchu and also wanting to know what they were used for.

I really enjoy doing these Informative and educational hiking tours. I meet people from all around the world that is very interested in learning about the richest and diverse Cape Floral Kingdom. It is a great honour guiding people from all walks of life across this Natural Wonder of Nature experiencing the magic and beauty it births annually and seasonally.

Table Mountain Orchids was out in full swing. Cluster Disa, Blue Disa and the Disa Uniflora is always a highlight of the day. Many tourists get overly excited and happy about seeing a rarity on Table Mountain. Table Mountain is one of the Oldest Mountains in the world and till today it springs life from it’s High acidic levels and poor nutrient soil.

contact me on +27 657155688 or email @ for an amazing and memorable Table Mountain Guided Adventure.

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